insert into user(email,name,password,pin,city,state,country,created) values ('#email#','#name#','#password#','#pin#','#city#','#state#','USA',curdate()) #name#,

Thank you for registering at #site_title#.

Click Here to complete your registration.

If the link does not work visit: http://#site_url#/html/reg_conf.cfm
and enter this email address with your activation pin number: #pin#


You will not need your pin again once your account is active. Your account information is:

Username: #email#
Password: #password#
Login: http://#site_url#/login/

Do not reply to this email as it is not checked.
For support login to your account.

- Registraion Bot

Thank you

Please check your email at #email# to proceed.

Make sure you disable any spam blockers and/or add #site_email# to your whitelist if you have one.

If the email doesn't arrive within 60 seconds:

Check your spam folder!