In late 2017 FILMA formed with the intention of promoting Oakland area arts through four core principles: Consent, Discovery, Interaction, and Immersion. FILMA’s first collective conceptual immersion art, Amongst the Vines, found beauty in dystopia, providing a unique perspective on the world as it is today and how we might leverage all that is wrong for something truly amazing.
Since then, FILMA Art Collective has been building out a new maker studio in Richmond, CA. Aiming to foster deep & creative relationships amongst its members, FILMA has been working tirelessly building up a formal shop and preparing the space for limitless artistic endeavors. Now, after many months building out the space, the Filmadome is finally producing art.
The first collective effort in this new studio is an upgrade to the sound reactive light-tunnel, Wormhole. Standing at 8′ high, 8′ wide, and 20′ long, Wormhole serves as a metaphor for the magnificence of transformation. Special thanks to William Burdette for envisioning and engineering a really fancy new frame and the fantabulous Robert Graf, the genius behind the electrons.
Help keep projects like this keep coming back to Alameda. Visit the Kickstarter Campaign.